Vegetarian's Japan Guide

Bukeyashiki Street

Samurai Armor at Aoyagi Samurai House Bukeyashiki Street Kakunodate Akita Japan

Aoyagi Samurai House: Kakunodate’s Must-Go Samurai Residence

When the Japanese talk about the samurai house in Akita Prefecture, they will never fail to mention the Aoyagi Samurai House (角館歴史村・青柳家). The spacious estate of a size of almost 10,000 square meters features a Main Housean Armory, a Gallery, a Folk Museum, a Samurai Tool Museum, an Antique Tea Room, and shops and restaurants/cafes.

Aoyagi Samurai House: Kakunodate’s Must-Go Samurai Residence Read More »


Bukeyashiki Street – Kakunodate’s Perfect Spot for History Buffs

Just like its name, the houses where samurai used to reside are lining up on Bukeyashiki Street (武家屋敷通り) in Kakunodate! A couple of these 200-year-old traditional houses are open to the public. Finding the differences in the construction of the houses between the home of top-ranked samurai, middle-ranked samurai, and lower-ranked samurai can be really fun!

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