
Vegetarian's Japan Guide

Sakamoto Travel


Kunin Yashiki and the Life of Local Government Officials

In Sakamoto, apart from the temples and shrines, there is a spot that introduces the life of a local government official in the Edo period to its visitors. The Kunin Yashiki (公人屋敷) close to Kaihan’s Sakamoto-Hieizanguchi Station (坂本比叡山口駅) used to be the residence of the Okamoto family (旧岡本邸). It is now a small complex that

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The Best Guide to Mt. Hiei – Kyoto’s Most Sacred Destination

Mt. Hiei or Hieizan (比叡山), a mountain lying on the border between Kyoto and Shiga Prefectures, is considered one of the Three Holiest Places in Japan together with Kōyasan (高野山) and Mt. Osore (恐山). The worship halls and pagodas of the World Heritage Enryakuji Temple (延暦寺) are scattered throughout the mountain. The temple, which is

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