
Vegetarian's Japan Guide

Plum Blossoms

Onaka Iseki Park Pit House Hyogo Japan

Ōnaka-iseki Park: The Pit Houses and the Plum Blossoms

If you like visiting museums and historical sites, Ōnaka-iseki Park (大中遺跡) is the perfect spot to appreciate the plum blossoms and the historical site from approximately 1900 years ago! The 20 plum blossoms at Ōnaka-iseki Park and the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Archaeology usually bloom between mid to late February. The locals often have picnics

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Cherry Blossoms at Sumaura Sanjo Yūen Park Kobe Hyogo Japan

Sumaura Sanjō Yūen Park and the Plum and Cherry Blossoms

Away from Kobe‘s city center, the Sumaura Sanjō Yūen Park (須磨浦山上遊園) is a scenic amusement park on the slopes of Mt. Tekkai (鉄拐山) and Mt. Hatsubushi (鉢伏山). It overlooks Awaji Island (淡路島) and Akashi-Kaikyō Bridge (明石海峡大橋). Once a battlefield for the Battle of Yashima (屋島の戦い) back in 1185, this park is now a famous place

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Osaka Tenmangū: The Shrine in the City to Adore Plum Blossom

In Osaka‘s city center, the Ōsaka Tenmangū Shrine (大阪天満宮) is a convenient spot to adore the plum blossoms. Close to Japan’s longest shopping arcade, Tenjinbashi-suji Shopping Street (天神橋筋商店街), around 100 plums were planted for the god enshrined, Sugawara no Michizane (菅原道真). Because Michizane is worshipped as the God of Learning (学問の神様), many students would visit

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