Vegetarian's Japan Guide

What Time Does Universal Studios Japan Open?

The question may sound stupid as the information is widely available on Google and USJ’s website. However, it is a valid question when it comes to Universal Studios Japan because the theme park usually opens 30 to 90 minutes earlier than its official opening hours. If you don’t plan on purchasing a Universal Studios Japan Express Pass but want to enter the Super Nintendo World, entering USJ at the same time the park opens is almost a must on a busy day!

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Should I Arrive at Universal Studios Japan Before It Open?

Although the idea of waking up early and the queue doesn’t sound appealing, it is highly recommended that you do so if you fit into the categories below. Entering USJ 30 minutes early makes a huge difference for some people because the waiting time for the first ride you choose will definitely be short!

  • You want to board as many rides as possible.
  • You want to board the popular rides with the shortest waiting time.
  • You need the Area Timed Entry Ticket (エリア入場整理券) for the Super Nintendo World (i.e. you don’t have a Universal Studios Japan Express Pass that covers the area).

Even if you only plan to stop by the park for a few hours, arriving early usually means shorter waiting times and a more pleasant experience. So, many would queue in front of the gateway before USJ opens!

The Least Busy Time at Universal Studios Japan

Tip: Purchase your USJ admission ticket (Studio Pass) in advance to save time on queuing for tickets. The official website and Klook will issue a QR code you can scan for entry.

What Time Does USJ’s Ticket Booth Openc?

The ticket booth at Universal Studios Japan opens 45 to 60 minutes before the park opens. Please don’t be the one who panics because the park has opened, but you still haven’t got your admission ticket!

It might be obvious already, but the queue for tickets and park entry is different.

Universal Studios Japan Open’s Averaged Opening Time During the Busy Period

What Time Does Universal Studios Japan Open, and When Should I Arrive

When the USJ’s official opening time was 8 am in the past, the park can open around 7:15 am.

If you want to be the first group to enter the park, we recommend arriving 30 minutes beforehand at 6:45 am. Although there will be a queue already, the CP value of arriving at USJ even earlier wouldn’t be as high.

Universal Studios Japan’s gate opens 75 minutes before the park opens. Arriving earlier is not much of a point as you won’t be able to enter the area and queue with the spinning Earth for photos.

Tip: On average, USJ is opened 60 minutes before the official opening time on weekends and public holidays and between 30 to 45 minutes on weekdays.

Universal Studios Japan Open’s Averaged Opening Hours During the Off-Peak Period

When the USJ’s official opening time was 9 am in the past, the park usually opened around 8:20 am. But if you want to be the first group of people to get into the park, we recommend arriving between 7:30 am and 7:50 am.

Getting to USJ by Nighttime Express Bus

Some locals visit Universal Studios Japan by taking a nighttime express bus. This means that by the time they wake up in the morning, the bus has arrived at USJ. While this method will be tiring for most people, it is an option for those who are time and budget-conscious.

The nighttime bus usually arrives at USJ around 6:30 am. As soon as you get off the bus, you can start queuing up.

Are There Any Toilet Facilities Outside of Universal Studios Japan’s Ticket Gate?

Yes, there are two toilet facilities outside of USJ’s ticket gate. But they are usually packed around 30 minutes before the park opens.

The Best Items to Bring If You Plan to Queue Before Universal Studios Opens

  • Your smartphone
  • Power bank
  • Breakfast: Can be purchased from the convenience stores nearby
  • Water
  • Picnic blanket
  • Fordable stool

If It Rains on the Day

  • Rain gear
  • Towels
  • Plastic bags

On a Hot Day

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Find Out Whether a Universal Studios Japan Express Pass Will Be Worth It for You

Getting a Universal Studios Japan Express Pass is intuitive because it cuts down the waiting time. However, depending on when you visit the amusement park and a few other factors, the express pass may or may not be necessary.

Refer to our Decoding the Necessity of the Express Pass at USJ article before clicking the purchase button!

The Tips and the Things I Wish I Knew Before Visiting USJ

What Time Does Universal Studios Japan Open, and When Should I Arrive
Click the photo for the tips that will make your visit to USJ more enjoyable!

You might have realized already that Universal Studios Japan (or USJ) in Osaka shouldn’t be treated as just another theme park where you can board the rides whenever and as many times as you want as long as you pay for admission. The theme park is so popular that there may be more than one part of the park where you won’t be able to enter without an Area Timed Entry Ticket. On a busy day, the waiting time to board the popular rides can easily exceed 60 minutes.

Refer to our article on The Tips and the Things I Wish I Knew Before Visiting USJ to plan your visit!

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