Vegetarian's Japan Guide

The Best Guide to the Vegan-Friendly Restaurants in Ōtsu

Because of the large number of cultural properties, Ōtsu is probably the most visited city in Shiga Prefecture. But unlike its neighboring cities in Kyoto, vegan-friendly restaurants are hard to come by in Ōtsu. So, if you are a vegan/vegetarian or will travel with one, refer to the below list for where to dine when you get there!

Table of Contents

Enman-in (圓満院)


Enman-in is a temple with gorgeous traditional buildings and a nationally recognized garden that offers various cultural activities. The temple’s restaurant, Yuyutei, serves vegan shōji ryōri for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

For more information about the temple, refer to our Enman-in article!

Enryakuji Kaikan (延暦寺会館)

Like many temples in Japan, most of the restaurants in Mt. Hiei are no longer vegetarian. The best place to head to for lunch is Enryakuji Kaikan in the Tōtō area. It is also where you can spend a night at Enryakuji. The meals served in the restaurant on the second floor are all vegan. Not only is the food delicious, but the restaurant overlooks Japan’s biggest lake, Lake Biwa!

For more information, refer to our Enryakuji Kaikan article!



KOMURAYA is a restaurant run by a group of local chefs, farmers, and fishermen. It aims to offer food that will make the body ‘happy’. Using the chefs’ great cooking skills, seasonal ingredients delivered directly from the farmers and fishermen are turned into delicious dishes without additives. While KOMURAYA serves meat and fish, it also has a few vegan options, including the Vigan Burger (ヴィーガンバーガー). Fresh produce can also be purchased from the restaurant!

The burger buns are made from brown rice flour. Compared to the normal buns, it is chewier. Because of the brown rice flour, the patty also tastes differently (but amazing) than the usual vegan meat! Instead of only ordering a vegan burger, you can choose to couple it with a plate of side dishes to try out various things in one meal. A drink can also be added to form a set menu.

If you like curry, their Green Curry Plate (グリーカレー) is vegan as well. And to try out various side dishes, order an Additive-Free Lunch Plate (無添加ランチプレート)!

Important: Let the restaurant know you are a vegan or vegetarian so they can prepare you a vegan additive-free lunch plate. If your group includes many people, it is best to make a seat reservation by contacting them through their Instagram Account.

For a non-caffeine drink, try a cup of Rooibos Tea (ルイボスティー). It has a sweet aroma and a nutty taste!

KOMURAYA also opens for dinner. They can serve you vegan side dishes that will go well with alcohol. Of course, ordering an alcoholic drink isn’t a must!

The Concept of KOMURAYA

Because the Japanese are really particular about the appearance of the raw ingredients, those with an odd shape generally do not sell well. This results in a large amount of food wastage and loss for producers. So, to resolve this problem, project ν-Bottom-Ōtsu was created. The solution they found is opening a restaurant that can turn these usually unsellable ingredients into various dishes that consumers would appreciate.

KOMURAYA’s Business Hours and Access Information

  • KOMURAYA is open from:
    • 11 am to 3 pm for lunch
    • 6 pm to 10 pm for dinner
    • The last order is taken an hour before closing
    • The restaurant is closed on the 2nd and the 4th October
  • KOMURAYA is a 10-minute walk from JR Katata Station (堅田駅).

Discover the Attractions in Ōtsu City

Click the photo to find out more about this stunning spot!

Ōtsu, the capital of Shiga Prefecture, is a city filled with rich cultural and historical elements. Although it only lasted for five years, we are sure that after you admire the scenery of Japan’s biggest lake – Lake Biwa, it won’t be hard to understand why Emperor Tenji (天智天皇) wanted to stay close to it!

For more information, please refer to our article on Ōtsu City (=゚ω゚)ノ.

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